Publications & Activities
The reward of dedicated writing practice is first and foremost the liberation of the writer’s imagination, and only secondly, the honor of sharing work with an audience.
Recent Publications
Individual Poems
Five South/The Weekly: "Desire Speaks" (2024)
A Plate of Pandemic: "Servitude" (2024)
Emerge Literary Journal: "Haybales" (2024)
Heavy Feather Review/The Last Word: "Any Second Chance of a Town" (2024)
Lumina Journal: "Goodspeed Landing" (2024)
Sky Island Journal: "Secretions" and "Repatriation" (2024)
Spillway Magazine: "On Hungerford Bridge" and "Memory of the Country" (2024)
ORLANDO: "Iced Coffee at the Diner" (2024)
Roi Fainéant: “Meditation Garden” (2023)
Broad River Review: “The Eighth Child” (2023) Finalist, 2023 Rash Awards
The Sewanee Review: “Demarcation” Selected as Runner-Up by Richie Hofmann in the Fifth Annual Poetry Competition (2022)
The Blue Mountain Review: “Scar” (2023)
Ink & Marrow: “Summer Camp” (2023)
FreezeRay Poetry: “Remembering John Lennon” (2022)
Poetica Magazine: “Fenceposts of History, Repeating” (2022)
$—Poetry is Currency: “How I Couldn’t Help,” “In the Middle of the Road” (2022)
Space2Create awards website: “Travel Guide” (2021) Co-Winner, Poetry
Literary Criticism
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Selected Past Print Publications
On the Verge (Plinth Books, 1997)
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)

Individual Poems
Araby: “Canto,” “London” (Selected by Kevin Prufer)
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Chelsea: “Avril, Ile-Saint Louis” (Selected by Richard Foerster)
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Chester H. Jones National Poetry Competition Anthology: “Calm, Blue” Commendation
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
College Poetry Review: “Night”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Connecticut River Review: “Two Dreams on the Theme of Love”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Flyway: “At the Blue Star Motel” (Selected by Stephen Pett) Nominated for the Pushcart Prize
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Invert: “Darkness,” “Healing,” “On the Disappearance of William Bradford’s Wife and Other Women,” “Opportunity,” “The Necessary Breath,” "Verse From Your Periphery"
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Klekolo Anthology: “Mr. Bleaney’s Redemption”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Lumina: “Freak Accidents”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Metanoia: [I’m sharpshootin’ cameraman]
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Northeast Corridor: “Leaving”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Ontario Review: “Sky, Fence, Fields,” “What You Can Keep” (Selected by Raymond J. Smith &
Joyce Carol Oates)
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Tar River Poetry: “Flowers of the Earth”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
The Blue Nose Anthology: “Down the Nethers” Autumn Workshop Award
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
The Bound Spiral (UK): “28 Days,” “Foss Hill,” “July, 1969,” "With Wormwood at the Craps Table" (Selected by Mario Petrucci)
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Literary Criticism
Charter Oak Poetry Exchange Archives: “The Return from Exile: Remembrance and Vision in the Poetry of Cheryl Savageau”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
“The Wages of War.” Co-authored with David Eisenhower. Political Affairs 82 (2003):20-24.
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Look to the Earth (artisan book produced by Bernadette Prue and Robin Price, Wesleyan University): “Sky, Fence, Fields,” “Flowers of the Earth”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Pegasus: “Night”
Late Last Night Books: “Celebrating Obscurity: The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop” (2022)
Dr. Mario Petrucci, award-winning poet and editor, United Kingdom
“Alexandra has an innate ability to invite the more numinous aspects of poetry into her work, as well as a sensitivity and critical acuity, which fuses personal experience with a wonderful tonal quality and unity to create a canon that is not only moving and enlightening, but which also displays an intimate attention to–and understanding of–human nature, of its struggles and triumphs.”